Grants Available
By virtue of its Scheme, as approved by the Charity Commissioners, the Trust is empowered to make grants to the inhabitants of Bideford and its neighbourhood, which the Trustees generally take to mean the Parish of Bideford and the area up to and including Hartland to the North, up to but excluding Torrington to the East and up to and including Instow to the South. No grant application can be considered unless the applicant being a person resides within this area, or if an organisation substantially benefits people within this area.
How to Apply for a Grant
Check if you are eligible for a grant and then download the appropriate application form.

The form should be completed and sent to:
The Steward
First Floor Offices
4 Bridgeland Street
EX39 2PS
Please note that the Trust does not make grants in respect of computers for personal use, debts previously incurred or deposits for lettings.
The particular grants made by the Trustees
Annual Grants
These are grants made to organisations with a charitable purpose (not necessarily registered as a charity) which are made once a year in respect of applications lodged with the Trust between the 1st June and 31st July.
Hardship Grants
Grants made to individuals who are sustaining hardship such as poverty or sickness. All applications must have a suitable sponsor. Applications are considered on a monthly basis.
Download the Monthly Hardship Grant application form here
Organisation Urgent Grants
These are to assist organisations with a charitable purpose that have an urgent need that cannot wait until consideration of the annual grants as in number 1 above. These are considered on a monthly basis.
Download the Urgent Grant application form here
Educational Grants
- Book or equipment grants: up to £350.00 awarded to students living in the Parish of Bideford (or to the north of the Parish but to the south of the link road) at least 6 months prior to the application who are commencing post A-level training or are in the second or third year of such a course (or fourth year if appropriate). It does not include post graduate studies.
- Student Support Grants: up to £300.00 for students within the area of benefit of the Trust but not qualifying by virtue of residence in 4(i) above for a book/equipment grant who are sustaining hardship in respect of a post A-level course (first, second or third year or fourth year if appropriate) but not postgraduates.
- Educational Bursaries: up to £600.00 paid to students within the Parish of Bideford or to the north of the Parish but to the south of the link road undertaking their first, second or third year (or fourth year if appropriate) of a degree course (but not post-graduate courses). All applications must be lodged by the closing date stated on the application form. Educational Bursary applications will be available again from Aug 2025.
- Apprenticeship and Vocational Grants: any application for assistance with regard to apprenticeships or vocational training should follow the procedure for hardship grants as above.
Taxi Vouchers
Vouchers for 90% of the cost of taxi transport granted to those aged 85 years of age or those suffering from infirmity (eg. Receiving attendance allowance).
Download the Taxi Voucher application form here
Business Start Up Grants
Grants are made of up to £3,000 in year one and sometimes for a further £2,000 in year two in respect of applicants who are currently unemployed or anticipating becoming unemployed who are seeking to become self-employed or start a new business. These are considered on a monthly basis.
Download information on how to apply here
Swimming Grants
Annual grants to schools to assist with the cost of swimming lessons for their pupils and associated travel costs.
Significant Grants
From time to time the Trust considers applications usually from organisations for one-off significant grants for a particular purpose (usually for the benefit of the public at large).
Please Note
The making of any grant remains in the discretion of the Trustees and all grants are to be for a charitable purpose (which includes helping the sick and disabled, advancing religion, assisting education and improving the facilities for recreation or leisure time).
Most grants (except the annual applications) are dealt with on a monthly basis.
Any request for a grant should be made by the use of the appropriate application form, except:
- significant grants where a letter is required together with all the supporting documentation;
- business start-up applications where the applicant is requested at first instance to contact the Scheme Administrator, Anoushka Lynd at [email protected] for further assistance;
- swimming grants where the school should apply by letter.