The Trust awarded £217,500 in annual grants to local charities and organisations.
Bideford's Victoria Park was awarded a significant grant of £119,000 to update the old play equipment and deliver a new play area for the community, due to open in the Spring of 2024.
The Trust made grants of £79,000 to new Business Start-Up applicants in 2022.
A Bideford Community sports facility were awarded a significant grant of 140,000.
Local students were awarded £86,000 in Educational Bursaries and Book Grants.
As at 5th February 2021,the Trust has made or promised grants of �64,658 to local schools to enable them to buy much needed laptops and chrome books for pupils' home use during the pandemic, together with supporting equipment.
In September 2020 the Trust resolved to give to local charities and organisations by way of annual grants the sum of £209,780.
This, our new website, was launched.